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Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares
Release date: 31/10/1996

Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares

Master of Orion 2 also known as MOO2 is considered the classic 4x turn based strategy game set in space. The game has a kind of cult status and even by to days standards is still only matched in game play by very few of its competitors.

Master of Magic
Release date: 01/09/1994

Master of Magic

You came to the world of Arcanus as a fledgling wizard. Sparsely equipped with but a spell or two, you begin as the ruler of a tiny hamlet and its people. With these raw materials, you must build a thriving city, explore the two worlds of Arcanus and Myrror, expand your empire and learn new spells. In time, you will meet other wizards, each rising from equally humble beginnings, each having the same goal as you, namely conquering the worlds. How well you allocate resources, make use of your races’ potentials, seize opportunities and negotiate with other wizards determines your eventual success. In the end, though, there can be only one Master of Magic!

Master of Orion
Release date: 06/09/1993

Master of Orion

Master of Orion is a competitive game of interstellar conquest that combines exploration with conflict. You are cast as the immortal emperor who shapes the future of your race, as contact is made with the neighbouring races. Your objective is simple: control a majority of the known galaxy and eliminate all who stand in the way. As ruler you must ultimately decide the destiny of your race as you make decisions on how planetary resources are allocated, where star fleets will be deployed, which races to fight, and which races to ally with. You begin with control of your home planet, from which you can explore and colonize nearby star systems. Your first decisions will centre around the rapid development of colonies into productive worlds, what types of technology to focus on, and which star systems to colonize. However, the true challenge begins when contact is made with other races, and complex strategies must be formulated to manage diplomacy, sabotage, espionage, trade, and interstellar combat.

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