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Sol Moonarge
Release date: 07/01/1994

Sol Moonarge

As earthquakes occurred in the kingdom of Itchy, and demons began roaming freely through the wilderness, the king realized that an ancient prophecy is about to be fulfilled, and the entire world is in danger. The valiant swordsman Soleil lives in the capital city, and the king entrusts him with the task of protecting the two Moon goddesses, and retrieving the Sun Sword, which are necessarily to prevent a magician known as Silver to use the Gears of Fate for his evil purposes... Sol Moonarge is a traditional Japanese-style RPG. As in most games of this genre, the player navigates the main hero and his companions on the top-down "world map", entering towns to buy weapons, armor, and items, as well as hostile locations which are necessary to complete to advance the plot in a linear fashion. Enemy encounters are random; combat is turn-based and viewed from first-person perspective. As in most Japanese RPGs, the characters level up automatically, after having accumulated a set amount of experience points; specific weapon and magic proficiencies, however, grow depending on the amount of times player-controlled characters use that particular type of weapon or spell. There is a day-night cycle (on the world map only), which influences people's schedules: at night the shops are closed, but certain characters might appear only during that time.

Master of Orion
Release date: 06/09/1993

Master of Orion

Master of Orion is a competitive game of interstellar conquest that combines exploration with conflict. You are cast as the immortal emperor who shapes the future of your race, as contact is made with the neighbouring races. Your objective is simple: control a majority of the known galaxy and eliminate all who stand in the way. As ruler you must ultimately decide the destiny of your race as you make decisions on how planetary resources are allocated, where star fleets will be deployed, which races to fight, and which races to ally with. You begin with control of your home planet, from which you can explore and colonize nearby star systems. Your first decisions will centre around the rapid development of colonies into productive worlds, what types of technology to focus on, and which star systems to colonize. However, the true challenge begins when contact is made with other races, and complex strategies must be formulated to manage diplomacy, sabotage, espionage, trade, and interstellar combat.